Congregationalism originally came to the United States with the Pilgrims from England. Their interest in religious and personal freedom can be seen today in Fox River Congregational Church’s emphasis on Christ and the Bible’s teachings. At Fox River, we are an independent and self-governing church. From our founders, we inherited a wonderful spiritual heritage, one that is uniquely suited to our contemporary world.
Congregationalists possess the full liberty of conscience in interpreting the Gospel. As such, we are a diverse group of people united under Jesus Christ. We believe there is strength in diversity and unending opportunities to learn from each other and to grow in faith.
Pastor Lonnie had served rural, urban, and university congregations before accepting the call to be the founding pastor of Fox River Congregational Church in 2001. He has advanced degrees in Religion, Divinity as well as a Doctorate in Ministry. Lonnie and his wife Mercedes have three adult children and one grandchild.
In a feature article on Fox River Congregational Church, the religious news editor for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel referred to Dr. Richardson as “…a twentieth-century pioneer.”
Pastor Lonnie is committed to relevant ministry and leadership driven by the transformational possibilities of the Christian faith in people's lives. Lonnie’s passion is to help people connect with God and further realize their full potential as followers of Christ.
The Mission of Fox River Congregational Church is to fulfill Christ's Great Commandment (1) and Great Commission (2) to encourage, equip, and support all people in growing toward more Christ-like lives in their thoughts, feelings, and actions by:
(1) Matthew 22:36-40
(2) Matthew 28:18-20
Connect with Christian believers through love, caring, and sharing life together,
Connect with all people through lovingly serving their physical, emotional and spiritual needs,
Connect with people outside the faith through lovingly witnessing the good news of Christ
and the power of God’s love for all people, leading them to accept Christ as Lord and Savior,
and bringing them into congregational life.
DEDICATE time, talent, and treasure to the service of God
ABIDE in the Congregational Way as understood and embraced by our fellowship
Located at N34 W23575 Capitol Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072
Call us at (262) 695-9695 or email us at
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