Learn more about our sister church in Africa where the minister there has developed a school for children and reaching out to tell the Good News to the Baka (Pigmy) tribe in Cameroon.
Watch a video on how youth at Fox River made a difference in the lives of children in a poverty-stricken area of Nicaragua.
Due to Covid, Band Together is temporarily suspended but we look forward to being able to host this amazing charity concert with some of the country's premiere musicians. Proceeds benefit Pewaukee Food Pantry and other local charities.
Your generous donation to our church will help us fulfill our mission. Thank you for your support!
Pastor Lonnie has served rural, urban and university congregations, before he accepted the call to be the founding pastor of Fox River Congregational Church in 2001. He has advanced degrees in Religion, Divinity as well as a Doctorate in Ministry. Lonnie and his wife Mercedes have three adult children and one grandchild.
In a feature article on Fox River Congregational Church, the religious news editor for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel referred to Dr. Richardson as “…a twentieth century pioneer.”
Pastor Lonnie is committed to relevant ministry and leadership that is driven by the transformational possibilities of the Christian faith in the lives of people. Lonnie’s passion is to help people connect with God and further realize their full potential as followers of Christ.
After the church bought the property on Capitol Drive, this fishing boat was found on property. Church members tried to fix it to no avail, and it ended up in a storage barn. Before building, the boat was unearthed after the storage barn was taken down. Later, the boat was moved by the groundskeeper. The construction crews arrived and got to work. At the time, Pastor Lonnie was preaching a series on Peter and becoming "fishers of men". An instrumental church member came to the property and took this photo. Unplanned, the boat ended up atop a mound of dirt next to the foundation of the church. There, three crosses were formed by the bracing put up by masons. The center cross higher than the rest and hovering over the boat. Sometimes, a boat is just a boat. Bricks are just bricks. And there are other times when God whispers to us and reminds us that a boat abandoned long ago for fishing in water.......was just the beginning of fishing for more precious catch.
Located at N34 W23575 Capitol Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072
Call us at (262) 695-9695 or email us at foxriverchurch@wi.rr.com
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